©Mil M2 & Adina Secretan


Hoy por Hoy exercices d’indépendance au jour le jour

Entrée/sortie en continu - Entrée libre

  • 7h
  • F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
  • E Partially-sighted spectators welcome
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)

De et avec: Constanza Carjaval, Diego Cortés, Cote Jaña, Cecilia Moya, Fernando Portal, Pedro Sepúlveda Cruz-Coke, Adina Secretan. En collaboration avec: Gonzalo Aburto, Louis Bonard, Gaëlle Edwards, Jessica Huber, Mohamed M, Mélina Martin. Production: La Section Lopez et Mil M2. Coproduction: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, far° – Festival d’art vivant de Nyon, NAVE – Centre de création et résidence, Santiago du Chili. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Pro Helvetia, Pour-cent culturel Migros, Fondation Leenaards, Canton de Vaud.

Site web Mil M2

After meeting in Switzerland in 2016, the Chilean collective Mil M2 and Adina Secretan are pursuing their exchange and opening an avenue of research into the notion of independence: ¿Independiente de qué? (Independent from what?) Hoy por Hoy gathers various experiments, practices and speeches of independence—from economic independence to parenthood by way of nationality, civil rights, and issues of gender and sexuality. Thanks to a system of editing sound, text and performances in vivo, these testimonies gathered in South America and Europe are shown and heard in many different manners, allowing visitors to create their own narratives.