©Dorothée Thébert-Filliger
©Dorothée Thébert-Filliger
©Dorothée Thébert-Filliger

Aurélien Patouillard & Marion Duval (CH)


Spectacle tout public (dès 5 ans)

  • 60’
  • G Hearing loops
  • E Partially-sighted spectators welcome
  • D 2018-02-04 17:00

Une pièce inspirée du livre pour enfants Hulul d’Arnold Lobel. Mise en scène: Aurélien Patouillard. Jeu: Marion Duval. Scénographie: Florian Leduc, Marie & Joël Boucheteil. Lumières: Jonas Bühler. Dramaturgie: Delphine Abrecht. Régie plateau:  Gabriel Arellano. Coproduction: Zooscope, Arsenic, Lausanne, en partenariat avec la Maison de Quartier de Chailly. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande.

Site web de la compagnie

Sometimes at night I wake up, I open my eyes and I look at my sleeping room
I see my furniture sleeping, I find it beautiful
My window too is beautiful at night
My bed is even more comfortable when I notice that all my furniture is there

Hulul lives alone in his little house, like an owl. He loves his comfort, but he is often disturbed by strange phenomena which keep him wondering, especially at night. “Would the winter like to come inside and warm up? What happens downstairs when I am upstairs? What are these strange lumps at the foot of my bed? Is the moon looking at me?”
Simple yet poetic, the adventures of Hulul the owl turn out to be disarmingly full of philosophical depths.
Aurélien Patouillard (1974) discovered clown work in parallel to his physics studies in Paris. In 2000, he went to Patagonia to study penguins for a performance piece alongside a plastic artist. He then joined the dance company Brigitte Dumez, and learned the Body Mind Centering technique. In 2004, he was accepted at the Manufacture theatre school in Lausanne. Since graduating, he has worked in France as well as Switzerland. Since 2011, he has enjoyed a research and creation residency at the Saint-Gervais theatre in Geneva. The Zooscope company, based in Lausanne, is an artists collective from different fields (writing, theatre, dance, cinema, animation, graphic design, plastic arts, philosophy). They are united by their working process, focused on a dramaturgy that opens onto several different media.