© Nelly Rodriguez
© Nelly Rodriguez
© Nelly Rodriguez
© Nelly Rodriguez



Dans le cadre des Swiss Dance Days*

  • 60'
  • G Hearing loops
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)
  • A Little or no text

Chorégraphie, concept, performance: Lea Moro. Performance, co-chorégraphie: Dani Brown, Micha Goldberg, Andrius Mulokas, Emma Tricard. Design sonore, musique, performance : Jana Sotzko. Dramaturgie: Maja Zimmermann. Costume, scénographie: Mascha Mihoa Bischoff. Création lumière: Annegret Schalke. Assistante à la chorégraphie: Zelda Wenner. Conseil dramaturgique: Anne-Mareike Hess. Costumes, assistants à la scénographie: Felix Hahn, Rebekka Grimm. Graphisme: Vincenzo Fagnani. Direction technique, lumière: Claire Terrien. Production/CH: Rabea Grand. Production/DE : Marie Schmieder, Linda Sepp. Diffusion: Key Performance. Production: Lea Moro. Coproduction Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Tanzhaus Zürich, Südpol Luzern, Kaserne Basel, Dampfzentrale Bern, Arsenic - Centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Reso – Réseau Danse Suisse. Soutiens Pro Helvetia et PACT Zollverein, fabrik Potsdam, Théâtre de Nîmes - Scène conventionnée pour la danse contemporaine, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique Uzès danse. Financé par: Senate Department for Culture and Europe, City of Zurich Kultur, Kanton Zurich – Fachstelle Kultur, Nationales Perfromance Netz. Dans le cadre de: Coproduction Fund for Dance, qui est fondé par le Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, Étape Danse. Initité par: Institut Français Germany / Bureau du Théâtre et de la Danse and fabrik Potsdam, Ministry of Culture and Communication / DGCA and the City of Potsdam. Remerciements: SOPHIENSÆLE. Les représentations en Suisse sont soutenues par: Pour-cent culturel Migros, Fondation Stanley Thomas.

Five performers are faced with a playful and ever-changing space. Everything becomes a pretext for play : costumes, set, makeup ; pleasure is everywhere and with everyone. Through its suggestive choreographies, fine wavelets of sound, multicoloured round dances and exhilarating aesthetics, the stage begins to look like a version of the Bauhaus’ Triadic Ballet. By creating an artificial universe where choreographic movement becomes the vector for enjoyment, the Zurich-based choreographer Lea Moro explores the mechanisms and contradictions of contemporary entertainment. Delving into the spaces between desire, euphoria, fear and nostalgia, Fun ! embarks dancers and audience members on a fabulous, caustic and exhilarating funfair ride. Superb, and inevitably funny.

Lea Moro (Zurich/Berlin) is a performer and choreographer trained at the Dimitri School, Trinity LABAN in London and HZT in Berlin. Mixing audacity and insouciance, while drawing from canonical works and genres, her work is based on the construction of affective situations that swing between illusion, humour and ambiguity. Projects such as Le Sacre du Printemps, a ballet for a single body (2013/14) and (b)reaching stillness (2015) were presented internationally. Lea Moro is a recipient of a DanseWEB grant (2014), an Elsa-Neumann grant (2015), the PAP Mentorat (2014-2016) as well as a Werkstipendium (2017) and a Culture Prize Incentive Grant (2018) from the canton of Zurich.

*Tarifs Swiss Dance Days:
CHF 15.- plein tarif
CHF 12.- tarif réduit
(hors abonnement Arsenic)