- 60’
- F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
- A Little or no text
Conception, chorégraphie, musique, danse: Ofelia Jarl Ortega. Costume, scénographie: Ofelia Jarl Ortega. Lumières: Christoffer Lloyd, Ofelia Jarl Ortega. Dramaturgie: Frida Sandström. Conseil musical: Tami T. Photo: Gustaf Iziamo. Coproduction: Inkonst, Malmö; MDT, Stockholm; Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. Résidences: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne; Danscentrum Syd, Malmö. Soutien: The Swedish Arts Council, Projet prenant part à Life Long Burning – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe project (2018-2022) supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
In StM the border between performer and spectator is not a divide but an opening. Here the borderland is a place to talk about the evasive. It is a space that pulses, yields and gives the spectator’s gaze a body. StM is a solo and the latest piece in a series where Ofelia Jarl Ortega examines the dramaturgy of the gaze as choreographic material, where the dancer’s voluntary objectification questions the participation of the observer. In StM she approaches the topic from the singular body, and confirms the gaze’s potential as a tool of power.