

Passing through

Spectacle de sortie du Bachelor Contemporary Dance Promo C

  • 25’
  • F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
  • G Hearing loops
  • A Little or no text

Chorégraphie: David Zambrano. Avec: Tanguy Allaire, Elie Autin,
Mélissa Guex, Jeanne Gumy, Bastien Hippocrate, Adél Juhasz, Cheryl Ong, Sophie Palmer, Solène Schnüriger, Mira Studer, Juliette Uzor. Musique: Angels Eyes et New World, de Art Blakey et Jo Jones. Assistant chorégraphe: Simon Wehrli. Technique: Robin Dupuis, Justine Bouillet. Suivi de production: Marion Grossiord et Elodie Blomet. Photos: Gregory Batardon. Production: La Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène.




La Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène, invited two internationally renowned choreographers to each create a unique piece for the group of eleven graduates from the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance. The result is a dive into the young contemporary European creation in the form of a double bill program, each part lasting between 30 and 40 minutes.

Finnish choreographer, dancer and musician Elina Pirinen seized the eleven bodies offered to her and threw them together in a sensual and tormented attempt to reflect our perpetual search for freedom. Swelling into as many voices as a dissonant choir, they merge into a cantata telling of a painful and yet hopeful journey towards emancipation.