©Julie Masson
©Julie Masson

Julia Perazzini

Dans ton intérieur


  • environ 2h15
  • G Hearing loops
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Conception, écriture, interprétation: Julia Perazzini. Collaboration artistique, dramaturgie: Louis Bonard. Lumières: Gildas Goujet. Musique: Andreas Lumineau. Hypnose et regard extérieur: Anne Lanco. Costumes: Rachèle Raoult. Fabrication prothèses: Jean Ritz. Collaboration à la scénographie: Mélissa Rouvinet. Régie son: David Scrufari. Stagiaire et collaboration: Joanika Pages. Administration et  production: Tutu Production - Véronique Maréchal.

Production: Cie Devon. Coproductions: Arsenic - Centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Théâtre Public de Montreuil - Centre Dramatique National, Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Genève. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Canton de Vaud, Loterie romande, Pro Helvetia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Jan Michalski, Migros Vaud. Remerciements: Simon Guélat, Antoine Heraly, Emilie Berry.

“I was told that my grandmother cut ties with my grandfather when my father was a child.
Without ever saying why. As if she’d made him disappear… What does he think about it?”
Dans ton intérieur relates a multi-track investigation of different types of identities and existences, from the most administrative to the most immaterial. A web that Julia Perazzini weaves in an attempt to give more consistency to the bodiless name of her Italian grandfather.
The sacred objects and secrets left behind by her grandmother after her death accompany her in this quest to question what remains.
Like a detective, Julia Perazzini sets out without limits in search of the man she never knew. Will she find enough clues to lead her to him?
By embodying the characters of this familial archeological journey, she becomes the vessel for the known and unknown, present and departed members of the story.
Starting from a personal story, Dans ton intérieur becomes a space for collective projection, questioning both the intimate and societal narratives that make us.


Actress, performer and director Julia Perazzini (1982*) has been creating her own projects since 2011. She is usually performing solo. As shown in Hey it’s cold here! (2012) – a series of four shows presented both on stage and in art spaces – and in Holes & Hills (2016), or even in her film E incompleto (2019), she questions our way of existing and representing ourselves to others.
Alongside her personal work, she regularly collaborates with other directors on stages (Valerio Scamuffa, Denis Maillefer, Guillaume Beguin, Emilie Rousset, Joris Lacoste et l’Encyclopédie de la Parole, etc.), television and film (Lionel Baier, Véronique Aubouy, Valérianne Poidevin), as well as with contemporary artists. In 2014, she performed in the stage adaptation of Virginie Despentes’ essay King Kong Théorie directed by Emilie Charriot.
Her previous play, Le Souper, premiered at the Arsenic in Lausanne in 2019, in partnership with the Carreau du Temple in Paris, the Centre culturel suisse and the Théâtre Saint-Gervais in Geneva. Her work has been shown in Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. She is the winner of the Bourse Leenaards 2021 and associate artist at the TPM – Théâtre Public de Montreuil for both the 2023-2024 and the 2024-2025 seasons.