© Thomas Burkhalter
© Thomas Burkhalter

Christophe Jaquet & Thomas Burkhalter (CH)

Clash of Gods

  • 70’
  • G Hearing loops

Écriture, danse, jeu: Christophe Jaquet, Thomas Burkhalter. Danse et jeu: Anne Delahaye, Ernestyna Orlowska, Viviane Pavillon, Renée Van Trier, Philippe Wicht. Lumières: Joana Oliveira. Design sonore et mastering: Daniel Jakob. Mastering et mixing: Adi Flück. Vidéo: Matteo Taramelli. Coproductions: Arsenic, Lausanne, Schlachthaus, Bern. Soutiens: Canton de Vaud, Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Burgergemeinde Bern.

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Two directors face off. The subject of their argument? Globalised music and the state of the world. To illustrate their theses and overcome their opponent, they take full control over the performers and the technical equipment to attack, weaken or ridicule the other – with no eye towards moral principles. At times, the conflict could be mistaken for a friendly chat. At others, the clash of titans becomes all-encompassing and hurls into play the whole theatrical apparatus: pathos, sound power, stroboscopes, even the physical violence of their ensembles. Eventually, a doubt surfaces. Are they accomplices? And if so, to what end? One thing is certain: never underestimate the power of the stage gods.

Christophe Jaquet (1964) is the artistic director of The National Institute association based in Lausanne, and was the producer of Transmission (2014) and of 25 juin 1945, 15h30 (2015). He is also one of the founding members of the music collective Velma. In parallel, he participates in many artistic projects in Switzerland and abroad, in which he acts as performer, musician and dramaturge.

Thomas Burkhalter (1973) is an ethnomusicologist, musical journalist, scientific collaborator at the Haute école des arts in Bern (HKB) and editor-in-chief of the famous musical platform norient.com. Putting a strong emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach between theory and practice, he has published different books based on field research, such as Local Music Scenes and Globalization: Transnational Platforms in Beirut (Routledge) and Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World (Norient Books).