©Elodie Biscarrat
©Giulia di Vitantonio



  • 90’
  • E Partially-sighted spectators welcome

Conception: Nicolas Cilins, Yan Duyvendak, Nataly Sugnaux Hernandez. Management: Marine Magnin. Diffusion: Judith Martin. Production et communication: Charlotte Terrapon. Production: Dreams Come True Genève. Coproduction: La Bâtie-Festival de Genève, far° Festival des arts vivants, Nyon, Marche Teatro/Inteatro Festival – Ancona, Pour-cent culturel Migros. Soutiens: République et Canton de Genève, Ville de Genève, Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, crédit de la Confédération destiné à l’intégration, Fondation meyrinoise du Casino, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Bureau de l’intégration des étrangers BIE, Fondation JTI, fondation sesam, Ville de Versoix, Ville de Bernex, Ville de Satigny, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes – SIS, Loterie Romande, CORODIS.

For the duration of a performance, ACTIONS offers to constitute an ideal democratic assembly where the refugees, politicians and volunteers of your city can express themselves. ACTIONS takes the counter-stance to the great “migration crisis” and its treatment by the media, by concentrating on the here and now and on what only the theatre can do: that is to say, by directly accessing the documentary power of testimonies, by playing its role as a forum within the city, and by making theatres, associations and spectators engage with each other. ACTIONS uses theatrical representation and its tools (production, dramaturgy, direction) in order to distort them and literally make them work for a social reality: the way we welcome refugees in Europe.