Renée van Trier (NL)
All Can Be Softer
- 38’
- G Hearing loops
- A Little or no text
Nobody remembers when it happened or even who said it, but one day, Renée Van Trier heard herself compared to a Tuareg-Punk. An absurd denomination that suits her like a glove, reflecting the singular quality of her artistic output. She amuses herself by impertinently exploring characters with contrasting physiques and vocal tones, oscillating between personal mythology and contemporary figures from popular culture. As a sound performance, All Can Be Softer is deafening, shameless, often excessive and at times repulsive, and should be approached with caution. Under a falsely naïve appearance, the artist distils a skillful mixture of creativity and madness. This intrepid adventurer is not afraid to let silence, insidious and frightening as it may be, into her superlative world. Renée Van Trier whispers : We need softness — now !