Publication et site archives des 30 ans de l'Arsenic


Direction de la publication: Patrick de Rham, Olivier Kaeser.Textes:Delphine Abrecht, Daniel Blanga-Gubbay, Sally De Kunst, Patrick de Rham, Florian Gaité, Jacques Gardel, Olivier Kaeser, Sandrine Kuster, Thierry Spicher, Laurence Wagner. Paroles d’artistes:
Simone Aughterlony, Marco Berrettini, Maud Blandel, Jonathan Capdevielle, Émilie Charriot, Ruth Childs, Pamina de Coulon, Lætitia Dosch, Marion Duval,Yan Duyvendak, Franko B, Massimo Furlan, Rodrigo García, Oscar Gómez Mata, Fabrice Gorgerat, François Gremaud, Florentina Holzinger, Marie-Caroline Hominal, La Ribot, Joël Maillard, Denis Maillefer, Sophie Perez/Xavier Boussiron, Julia Perazzini, Marielle Pinsard, PRICE –, Mathias Ringgenberg, Anne Rochat, Dorian Rossel, Nicole Seiler, Velma – Christophe Jaquet et Stéphane Vecchione, Gisèle Vienne. Traduction: Claire Martinet (anglais-français), Sarah Jane Moloney (français-anglais). Édition, correction:
AJS Cracker (anglais), Florence Perret (français). Recherches, archives, coordination: Alexandre Almirall, Mat* Avogadro, Hélène Bahon, Clara Delorme, Maude Herzog, Juan Moreno, Ivan Pittalis, Anne Ségallou, Ana-Belen Torreblanca, Marion Zmilacher, Archives de la Ville de Lausanne. Graphisme: Maximage, Genève/Paris/Zurich. Caractères typographiques: Rhymes, Selecta www.maxitype.com. Papier: Holmen TRND 70 g/m2, Galerie Art Silk 100 g/m2. Impression: Printon AS, Tallinn. Soutien à la publication: Ville de Lausanne, Canton de Vaud, Loterie Romande, Fondation Ernst Göhner. Édition et distribution: ARSENIC.

As part of its 30th anniversary project, the Arsenic is putting online on November 3 the database of the 1,200 artists’ projects that have been created, co-produced and presented there. The history of the Arsenic is a success story that is inseparable from that of the independent performing arts in French-speaking Switzerland. The list of Swiss artists who have found international success by creating at the Arsenic is impressive and unique in the country.

Based on this historical record, the paper book, which was edited by Olivier Kaeser and Patrick de Rham, tries to grasp the method and develops more general questions about the present and future of the performing arts.

Founded by Jacques Gardel, then affirmed as an international hub by Thierry Spicher, developed by Sandrine Kuster and refreshed since 2017 under the direction of Patrick de Rham, the Arsenic turned thirty in 2019. The festivities planned for the 2019/20 season, due to the pandemic, have been postponed and will be held on November 3.

Don’t miss the opening of the anniversary publication and the archive site, in the presence of Mr. Grégoire Junod, syndic of the city of Lausanne and Mrs. Florence Bettschart-Narbel, president of the foundation council, personalities of the place, historical artists, the public and of course the faithful supporters of the institution.

Everyone will be able to leave with their own publication!


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