© Destiny's Children


Ask the Oracle

En anglais et allemand simple/surtitré français

  • 60'
  • G Hearing loops
  • A Little or no text

Concept, texte, dramaturgie, performance: Mira Kandathil et Annina Machaz. Administration: Miriam Walter Kohn. Conception lumière: Benny Hauser. Vidéo: Ari Zehnder et Benjamin Dobo. Animation vidéo: Sinae Yoo Yoo. Coproduction: Gessnerallee Zurich, Schlachthaus Theater Bern, Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain. Soutiens: Ville de Zurich Culture, Canton de Zurich Culture, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Pro Helvetia, Fondation Georges et Jenny Bloch.

The future is now. Before, there was Delphi. Now, the soothsayers are coming to Lausanne! In Greek mythology, the prophetesses Cassandra and the Pythia never met. Annina Machaz and Mira Kandathil, whose power does not pale in comparison to that of the two legendary figures, propose a summit in which they distil strategies for the present from the fermentation of the myths of the past. “Yesterday’s Orakel is today’s Spektakel”. The audience plays the role of the pilgrim, receives answers to current social questions and experiences an evening of connecting with the oracle. A show full of mysticism, mystery and unpredictability… funny, crazy and coyly gauche all at once.