©Claire Dessimoz


In Fieri

Dans le cadre de la Fête de la Danse

  • 30’
  • F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)
  • A Little or no text

Ateliers et chorégraphie : Claire Dessimoz. Avec la contribution de : Sarah Waelchli. Chant : Immanuel De Souza. Musique : La Tène & Puech & Jacques. Participant·e·s : Ali Rozin, Alizada Sekandar, Azizi Muhammad, Milena Bellani,
Vitoria Campos Souza, Erisson Dos Santos Guerreiro, Kevin Fernandes Morales, Farhmand Haidari, Djamila Horta Cabral, Nura Abakoyas Firdosa, Miguel Prol Garcia, Isabelly Rebouças Nogueira, Erika Sanchez Gamboa, Gabriel Soares Bortolon, Samson Tesfalem, Dibora Wondmagegne, Yuusuf Hamdi. Professeures de classe : Mamouda Zekrya et Sylvia Rotondo. Médiation : Maude Herzog. Structures partenaires : Arsenic, Collège de l’Elysée. Soutiens : Fonds lausannois d’intégration - FLI, Ville de Lausanne (Enfance, jeunesse et quartier), Fête de la Danse.

In progress—In Fieri is a piece that has come out of movement workshops led by the choreographer Claire Dessimoz with the students of two reception classes (who are in the process of learning French) from the Elysée high school in Lausanne. In Fieri showcases a journey undertaken over the course of several months with participants of multiple origins, during which the gestures and movements focused on the singularities revealed by a common process. In Fieri is an outreach project led by Arsenic, presented during the Fête de la Danse.