©Johanne Morrison
©Johanne Morrison
©Johanne Morrison



Partiellement en anglais / trad. française à dispostion

  • 60’
  • A Little or no text

Concept, chorégraphie et performance: Krassen Krastev. Scénographie et performance: Christopher Füllemann. Lumières: Vincent Deblue. Costumes: Scilla Ilardo. Sonorisation: Bruno Robyr. Administration, diffusion, soutien dramaturgie: Isabelle Vuong. Production: Cie Krassen Krastev. Coproduction: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, Fondation Oertli, Fondation Göhner, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS.

Remerciements: Riond, Florence Bujard, Ivan Pittalis, Johanne Morrison, Cynthia Mai Ammann, Daniel Maszkowicz, Fabrice Jacquin, Marc Gagnepin.

A choreographic piece for two people, CLSTRS draws its inspiration from various entertainment traditions – such as cabaret, burlesque and the musical revue – which render visible the social construction of bodies and genders. Moved by a tension between the present and an indeterminate future, it opens onto a new horizon of utopia, offering an infinite range of possibilities represented by hybrid and ever-changing bodies, as the result of a cluster between the masculine, feminine, biological and technological poles. What could a human ideal represent in an indeterminate future? What will this corporeal envelope be made of in the future?