©Jocelyn Michel
©Jocelyn Michel
©Florian Sumi

Dana Michel (CA)



  • 60’
  • F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
  • G Hearing loops

Création et interprétation : Dana Michel. Élan artistique : Ellen Furey, Peter James, Mathieu Léger, Heidi Louis, Roscoe Michel, Karlyn Percil, Yoan Sorin, Alanna Stuart. Conseiller son : David Drury. Conception lumière : Karine Gauthier. Direction technique : Karine Gauthier et Jean Jauvin. Production : Dana Michel. Production déléguée : Par B.L.eux. Diffusion : Key Performance – Julia Asperska, Koen Vanhove. Coproduction : Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Rosendal Teater, Trondheim, Black Box Teater, Oslo, Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans, Centre national des arts, Ottawa, Festival TransAmériques, Montréal, Julidans, Amsterdam, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Bruxelles, Montpellier Danse, Moving in November, Helsinki. Coproduit avec l’appui du Programme des artistes invités en danse, une initiative conjointe du Centre national des arts et du Conseil des arts du Canada. Dana Michel est artiste associée à Par B.L.eux. Soutiens : Conseil des arts du Canada, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.

The artistic practice of Canadian artist Dana Michel is a combination of intuitive improvisation, choreography and performance that explores the multiplicity of identity. In two of her previous internationally praised works—Yellow Towel and Mercurial George—the artist approached the self-repression of certain aspects of her cultural identity. With CUTLASS SPRING she continues her introspective journey, this time sounding out her sexuality. In what way has repression, as well as her life as a performer, mother and lover, fashioned her sexual identity? Roping in the infinite potential of daily objects, CUTLASS SPRING is both a manifest and an impassioned enquiry.

Dana Michel is a choreographer and live artist. She is currently touring two solo performance works, Yellow Towel and Mercurial George. In 2014, she was awarded the newly created ImPulsTanz Award (Vienna) in recognition for outstanding artistic accomplishments, and was highlighted among notable female choreographers of the year by the New York Times. In 2017, she was awarded the Silver Lion for Innovation in Dance at the Venice Biennale. In 2018, she became the rst ever dance artist in residence at the National Arts Centre, Canada. Michel is currently touring three solo performance works, Yellow Towel, Mercurial George and CUTLASS SORING. Based in Montreal, she is an associate artist with Par B.L.eux. More recently, his work has also been rewarded with the ANTI Festival International Prize for Live Art.