Farewell Body
Dans le cadre de la Fête de la Danse
- 60'
- G Hearing loops
- A Little or no text
Création et interprétation: Romane Peytavin et Pierre Piton. Création lumière et musicale: Gautier Teuscher. Scénographie: Valentin Dubois. Costumes: Marie Diatchenko. Photographe: Grégory Batardon. Captation vidéo: Lucien Monot. Coproduction: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, L’Abri, Genève. Soutiens: Loterie Romande, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS.
The “uncanny valley” is a scientific term used in robotics to qualify the psychological reaction of rejection that a human being can undergo in the presence of an android. The more a bionic body seems similar to ours, the more its imperfections appear monstrous. Farewell Body, the first choreographic piece by Romane Peytavin and Pierre Piton, attempts to infiltrate this valley. An embodied avenue of research to express the natural through the mechanics of the artificial; a metamorphosis to rethink the body as a marvellous machine and thus provoke the uncanny, that strangeness that resembles us.