Pamina de Coulon



  • environ 1h
  • E Partially-sighted spectators welcome
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Recherche - écriture - conception et jeu : Pamina de Coulon Décor : Pamina de Coulon & Alice Dussart & Vincent Tandonnet. Lumière: Alice Dussart. Diffusion: Sylvia Courty - BOOM’STRUCTUR Clermont Ferrand.

Production: BONNE AMBIANCE. Coproduction: Arsenic - Centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne.

The FIRE OF EMOTIONS saga may never say its last word – a new episode is on the way.
In her traditional “étapes de travail” at Arsenic, Pamina de Coulon “tries out ideas together”. She sees those public presentation of her work in progress as an opportunity to articulate her old and new ideas out loud and explore how they fit together.
It’s also an opportunity to talk about things she couldn’t say in the play. For example, this anecdote about nuns in Belgium who sold their convent to buy, among other things, a limo and a castle in the South of France. An anecdote probably unearthed by delving deeper into the question at the heart of MALEDIZIONE: “Why the hell are the Middle Ages making such a comeback in so many different fields?”
This “étape de travail” will give us food for thought on the connections she will have discovered by then between the Middle Ages and plastic. It will also raise the question of how this material has transformed so many things and brought about globalization. Before that, or at the same time, Pamina de Coulon will look at groups of women who decided (or might have been strongly advised…) to live together in seclusion in the Middle Ages – but not only. Eventually, this will likely lead us to the question of curses.

Pamina is an author and performer. Her main expression format is speech, which she articulates into « creative non-fiction » in her spoken essays which she performs on stage. Pamina also practices banner installation and text-drawings. Lastly, she grows flowers and potatoes and fights against nuclear power and patriarchal capitalism. The saga she works at since 2014 is called FIRE OF EMOTIONS, which happens to be the slogan of a brand of fireworks. BONNE AMBIANCE is the company she organizes her projects with, the name references the team’s work ethics and political project: maintaining the best ambiance possible for all.
Since 2017, is in residency at Arsenic, Lausanne.