Jeremy Nedd (CH/US), Impilo Mapantsula (ZA)
How a falling star lit up the purple sky
- 1h20
- D Childcare service
- F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
- G Hearing loops
- C Young audience welcome (8+)
- A Little or no text
- B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility
With their new creation How a falling star lip up the purple sky, Jeremy Nedd and the nine artists of Impilo Mapantsula probe the tropes and stereotypes linked to the Western through the prism of Pantsula. Being a product of Johannesburg township life, Pantsula – a virtuosic dance form which is best known for its fast footwork, can be connected to the land and its post-Apartheid distribution, and present a possibility for rethinking the themes of the Western.
Rooted in the collective imagination, how did the Western genre manage to create such an entrenched vision of the hero, the other, and the land as property?
Jeremy Nedd and Impilo Mapantsula propose a renewed vision of this much-explored genre by imagining, with a historical eye, what it could have been while speculating on what it can be today and what it could be in distant tomorrows.
Une éducatrice s’occupe de vos enfants (dès 4 ans). Merci de contacter Hélène Bahon - responsable garderie à l’adresse en précisant : votre nom, prénom, le nom et prénom de votre enfant, son âge ainsi que votre numéro de téléphone.