©Julie Masson
©Julie Masson
©Julie Masson
©Julie Masson

Nicole Seiler (CH)

Human in the loop


  • environ 60'
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Conception et chorégraphie: Nicole Seiler. Danse (création) & collaboration artistique: Clara Delorme, Gabriel Obergfell. Programmation informatique et collaboration artistique: Tammara Leites. Collaboration artistique: Nicolas Zlatoff. Musique: Stéphane Vecchione. Régie son: Clive Jenkins. Lumières, direction technique: Jérôme Vernez. Costumes: Ana Carina Romero Astorga. Administration: Léonore Friedli. Diffusion: Ana Lagarrigue.

Coproduction: Arsenic - Centre d'art scénique contemporain, Cie Nicole Seiler. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Etat de Vaud, Loterie Romande (autres : en cours)

What happens when an artificial intelligence creates a choreography in real time, in front of a live audience?
In her new piece, Nicole Seiler explores the intrusion of artificial intelligence into the artistic sphere. Working from instructions generated during the performance and discovered in real time by the performers, the artistic process is revealed before our very eyes, as we witness a veritable visual laboratory of potential relationships between humans and artificial intelligence.
Strange meets wacky in this ping-pong between the AI and the artists on stage. Human in the Loop takes a humorous, offbeat look at power relationships and questions our freedom within an oppressive, devious and often absurd structure governed by algorithms.

Born in 1970 in Zurich, Nicole Seiler studied dance and theater at the Scuola Teatro Dimitri in Verscio (CH), the Vlaamse Dansacadamie in Bruges (BE) and at Rudra Béjart in Lausanne (CH). As a performer she collaborated in the creation of numerous works with companies such as Cie Buissonnière (Philippe Lizon), le Teatro Malandro (Omar Porras), Allias Compagnie (Guilherme Botelho), Cie Philippe Saire, Massimo Furlan as well as other companies abroad.
She founded her company in 2002 in Lausanne.
Parallel to her work as a choreographer she is also interested in questions of cultural politics and throughout the last years has been on the board of different associations and foundations such as Pro Helvetia – Swiss arts council, Danse Suisse, far-festival des arts vivants, Nyon, etc.