
© Ruth Childs & Stéphane Vecchione
Inner Tubes
Étape de travail
- 45’
- F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
- A Little or no text
Conception, performance et musique: Ruth Childs et Stéphane Vecchione. Création lumière: Joana Oliveira. Construction et accessoires: Victor Roy. Œil extérieur: Michèle Pralong. Production: SCARLETT’S et SORI, Ruth Childs, Stéphane Vecchione. Production, administration et diffusion: Tutu Production. Coproduction: ADC – Genève, Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, L’Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson CDC, Paris. Soutiens (en cours): Ville de Lausanne, Affaires culturelles du Canton de Vaud, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Fondation Stanley Thomas Johnson, Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, Loterie Romande, Fonds d’encouragement à l’emploi des intermittents genevois (FEEIG). Résidence: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Pact Zollverein, Essen, ADC, Genève, L’Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson CDC, Paris.
In keeping with their piece The Goldfish and the Inner Tube, created in May 2018 at Arsenic, Ruth Childs and Stéphane Vecchione pursue their investigation into taking up space. They concentrate the scope of their research on the inner tube, the space it takes up whether it is blown up or deflated, and the sound material it produces. As quirky workers or observers, without total control over their initiative, they propose an apparatus that will allow visitors to get closer to this installation which lets materials, sounds and bodies coexist.