© Dorothée Thébert Filliger



Représentaion Relax

  • 65'
  • H Représentation Relax

Une création de : Old Masters – Sarah André, Marius Schaffter, Jérôme Stünzi. Conception et écriture : Old Masters et les interprètes. Interprétation : Angèle : Charlotte Herzig ; Annick : Sofia Teillet ; Michaël : Jérémy Chevalier ; Thomas : Marius Schaffter. Scénographie et costumes : Sarah André et Jérôme Stünzi. Lumières : Jonas Buhler. Musique et son : Nicholas Stücklin. Musicien·ne·s : violons : Adél Kovács, Adam Nagy ; alto : Greta Staponkute ; violoncelle : Léonie Védie. Arrangement quatuor : Rotem Sherman ; daf (tambourin) : Daniel Steiner. Administration : Laure Chapel – Pâquis production. Coiffures : Sarah André. Coproduction : TU – Théâtre de l’Usine, Genève, Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. Soutiens : Pro Helvetia, Ville de Genève, Loterie Romande, Fondation SUISA, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Pour-cent culturel Migros, Fonds intermittents.

After Constructionisme and Fresque, the Old Masters collective—made up of Marius Schaffter, Jérôme Stünzi and Sarah André—proposes a monochrome work that dreamily testifies to our relationship to the world and to others, infused with their characteristic sense of humour. On stage, beings with undefinable silhouettes interrogate each other. One shares their physical, mental and moral pain. The other seeks to make sense of this by basing themself on their own impressions. These seemingly trivial and derisory exchanges work between the lines to target human pettiness and social tyrannies. An infinitely caustic and poetic work.

The Relax performances offer a more adequate experience for persons with disabilities, or who wish to access the performances in more flexible conditions. In concrete terms, this means that the artists perform as usual, but some technical adjustments can be made if necessary (reduced special effects or lowered sound effects) and the audience welcome is much more flexible (house lights on, possibility to enter/leave and express oneself at will…)