©Christian Lutz

Oscar Gómez Mata, Juan Loriente (CH/ES)

Makers Itinérants

Théâtre itinérant - attention chaque jour dans un autre lieu

  • 60'
  • E Partially-sighted spectators welcome
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)

Conception et mise en scène: Oscar Gómez Mata. Textes : Agustín Fernandez Mallo et Oscar Gómez Mata. Jeu: Juan Loriente et Oscar Gómez Mata. Collaboration artistique: Aymeric Demay, Leo Garcia, Doria Gómez Rosay et Vanessa Vicente. Production et administration: Delphine Rosay et Aymeric Demay. Diffusion: Compagnie L’Alakran et Carlota Guivernau. Production: Compagnie L’Alakran. L’Alakran est au bénéfice d’un contrat de soutien conjoint avec la République et Canton de Genève, la Ville de Genève et la Fondation Arc en Scènes (2022-2024).

The time of the Makers has arrived, always bearing in mind: “With what we have, we find a solution”.

The Makers Itinérants project adapts the contents of the Makers piece to other spatial contexts and types of relationship with the audience. By meeting the other and the space in which they are at that moment, Makers Itinérants reverses the usual relationship of the black box to the audience, moving towards the other with a more humanistic vision, interested in the life of others and what they have to share. The principle of Makers Itinérants is to travel through a territory on foot, arriving each day at a different place and proposing a Maker show at the end of the day which is linked to the place and the host.