©Mathilda Olmi
©Mathilda Olmi
©Mathilda Olmi

Louise Belmas (FR), Joël Maillard (CH)



  • environ 1h30
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Texte, mise en scène, interprétation: Louise Belmas, Joël Maillard. Musique Louise Belmas, Joël Maillard, Julie Roué. Lumière et direction technique: Robin Dupuis. Arrangements et son: Charlie Bernath. Costumes et accessoires: Coralie Chauvin. Vidéo: Daniel Cousido. Maquillage: Emmanuelle Olivet Pellegrin. Régie de tournée: Laurie Gerber. Administration, production, diffusion: Tutu Production.

Coproduction: Arsenic - Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Genève, Théâtre Benno Besson, Yverdon-les-Bains. Accueils en résidence : Maison Jacques Copeau, Pernand-Vergelesses, Centre de culture ABC, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Montévidéo, Marseille. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Canton de Vaud, Pro Helvetia, Loterie Romande, Fondation Ernst Göhner.
La compagnie SNAUT est au bénéfice d'une convention de subventionnement de la Ville de Lausanne depuis 2019 et du Canton de Vaud depuis 2021.

This show features two characters who have written a piece of dramatic fiction together, without giving a moment’s thought to how its actors might actually perform it.
In the beginning, there was the idea of putting on a show in simple English with surtitles in refined French. It wasn’t kept, but it wasn’t completely discarded either; Joël and Louise appreciate nuance.
NOS ADIEUX (REMAKE) is a show that respects a number of things, starting with its title. It’s a remake of their farewell show – that’s a promise.
Another promise to spice up this mischievous and tragic play is that everything Joël says was written by Louise, and vice versa. All in all, NOS ADIEUX (REMAKE) adheres to a strict and scrupulously respected writing protocol, along with various twists and dangerous consequences.

Louise Belmas began by playing the violin. Then she stopped. Several times.
After studying Modern Literature, she enrolled at the ERAC.
After graduating as an actress, she decided to train in computer-assisted music composition
Since then, she has been invited to take part in writing residencies, and to turn her writing into shows. Just like that.
Alongside Julie Roué, she founded the electronic music duo A V I O N, which creates visual concerts and glittery dance sets. She also enthusiastically runs the Flugzeug company, a name she still struggles to pronounce properly.
In her projects, she seeks to blur the line between reality and fiction, genres and species, in a bid to widen the field of possible self-invention. Well, let’s not exaggerate.

Joël Maillard is an actor, director and writer.
He began writing on the 7th of July 2005, watching the news coverage of the London underground bombings.
From the outset, Joël has insisted on exploring fields of expression of which he has mastered neither the techniques nor the codes. For example science fiction, spoken word, song lyrics, clay, stand-up… He likes to think that he is professionalising his dilettantism. However, in 2021, he received one of the Swiss Performing Arts Awards. Sometimes he acts for others, and writes for others. He would like to direct someone else’s text some day.