Gisela Hochuli ©Agniesz Kazalotynska
Keng Chen ©DR
Nathalie Stirnimann & Stefan Stojanovic ©NPT-2019

PARTOUT – Plateforme internationale de performances d’art

  • 2h30
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)
  • A Little or no text

With: Ali Toffan & Wathiq Al-Ameri (IQ/CH), Martina-Sofie Wildberger (CH), Voin de Voin (BG), Keng Chen (CN), Gisela Hochuli (CH), Örn Alexander Ámundason & Una Margrét Árnadóttir (ISL), Nathalie Stirnimann & Stefan Stojanovic (CH), Noor Aboarafeh (PS), Denys Blacker (ES), Darren Roshier (CH). Direction artistique PARTOUT: Judith Huber et Andrea Saemann. Production PARTOUT: Alexandra Adler. Graphisme PARTOUT: Nicole Boillat. Technique PARTOUT: Nils Koechlin. Soutiens: Swisslos-Fonds Basel Stadt, Loterie Romande, Pro Helvetia, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Stiftung Wolf, Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung, Erna & Curt Burgauer Stiftung. LIVE ART WORKSHOP est un projet des bureaux de liaison de Pro Helvetia, en coproduction avec la Kaserne Basel et l’Arsenic Lausanne.

Organized in collaboration with PANCH - Performance Art Network and Kaserne Basel.

PARTOUT is an international festival and symposium organised by PANCH, an artist network whose aim is to promote performative practices in Switzerland. Over the course of 12 days, the Arsenic, Kaserne Basel, Kaskadenkondensator, HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste) and Kunsthaus Baselland will give over their spaces to the art of contemporary performance in all its diversity and beyond borders. PARTOUT brings together more than 30 artists from the national and international for performances, encounters and workshops.

(~30′ break between performances)

19:30 – 20:00

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Ken Chen, Dino Radoncic

20:30 – 21:00

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21:30 – 22:00

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Round Table (in English) 04 pm | entrée libre
“How to Create Conditions for Strengthening the Swiss Scenes” with PANCH, Maren Rieger, Marianne Burki, Yan Duyvendak, Patrick de Rham and Samuel Schellenberg (moderation)

Daily price of CHF 20.00, excl. ARSENIC season ticket.
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