© Ian Nnyanzi

Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure (CH/CD)

Taking Care of God


  • 60’
  • F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
  • G Hearing loops
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Proposition, direction artistique, dramaturgie: Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure. Composition musicale: Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure. Vocales, performance: Kingdom Gospel Club. Chorégraphie & dramaturgie: Kingdom Gospel Club, Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure. Accompagnement mouvement: Jeremy Nedd, Natasza Gerlach. Recherche mouvement: Tamara Alegre. Création lumière: Jacqueline Sobiszewski. Scénographie: Giulia Essyad. Direction technique: Thibault Villard. Vidéos, post production: Ali-Eddine Abdelkhalek. Costumes: Bobby Kolade. Regards extérieurs: Erika Nieva Da Cunha, Natasza Gerlach. Régie son, régie lumière: Thibault Villard. Ingénieur studio, Kampala: Rey Sapiens. Tour manager: Iman Waser. Production: Cie Eternal. Production exécutive: Matthias Ecoeur – Ars Longa, Anna Ladeira. Coproduction: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain (Lausanne), Le Grütli – Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants (Genève), Gessnerallee (Zürich), Dampfzentrale (Bern), Kaserne Basel, Südpol (Luzern). Une coproduction dans le cadre du Fonds des programmateurs de Reso – Réseau Danse Suisse. Soutenue par Pro Helvetia, Fondation suisse pour la culture. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Pro-Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, Fondation SIS, Fondation Corymbo, The Uganda Museum, Fonds Culturels Sud - Artlink.

In July 2019, Swiss-Congolese composer and performer Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure traveled to Kampala with the aim of producing an album fusing electronic music and gospel music, in collaboration with the collective “Kingdom Gospel Club”. What began as a studio album has organically evolved into a larger project, fuelled by a shared desire to create a hybrid performance that uses music as its primary means of expression, while incorporating dance. Questioning the practice, meaning and dissemination of worship hymns by fusing them with the rhythms and codes of club music, Taking Care of God is a collective gesture oscillating between traditional East African folklore and contemporary expressions. Encouraging dialogue between two spheres that are often considered incompatible, the performance affirms the beauty found in unity and cooperation, while exploring the individual trajectories of performers who share universal feelings of love, the search for spirituality and the comfort found in community and celebration.