
Yan Duyvendak (CH)

VIRUS / étape de travail

Performance│Free entry

  • ~2h

Concept: Yan Duyvendak. Conception du jeu: Antoine Bauza, Corentin Lebrat, Ludovic Maublanc, Théo Rivière / Kaedama. Conseil scientifique: Dr. Philippe Cano. MC: Delphine Abrecht, Jean-Daniel Piguet. Lumières: Vincent Millet. Documentation vidéo: David Daurier. Technique: Eric Mutel. Management: Marine Magnin, Alexandra Nivon. Développement international: Judith Martin / Ligne Directe. Production & communication: Charlotte Terrapon. Assistanat: Tomas Gonzalez, Pierre-Angelo Zavaglia. Production: Dreams Come True, Genève. Coproduction: La Comédie, Genève, Arsenic - Centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Dresde (DE), Grand Theatre / Noorderzon, Groningue, Les Subsistances, Lyon (en cours). Soutiens: Ville de Genève, République et Canton de Genève, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Fondation Hans Wilsdorf. Remerciements: Bourse de compagnonnage Ville de Lausanne, Canton de Vaud.

Yan Duyvendak presents a work-in-progress of his next piece while in residence at Arsenic. Inspired by the WHO’s realistic pandemic scenarios proposed as drills to governments and hospitals, VIRUS is a simulation game created in collaboration with scientists working in the field and game developers. You are invited to take drastic decisions to solve the crisis. At the end of the simulation, will you have managed to save your skin? Will you have managed to cooperate in order to save humanity?