Sorry, do the tour. Again!
- 90’
- F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
- G Hearing loops
- H Représentation Relax
- C Young audience welcome (8+)
- A Little or no text
Direction artistique: Marco Berrettini. Chorégraphie et interprétation: Marco Berrettini, Jean-Paul Bourel, Natan Bouzy, Bryan Campbell, Ruth Childs, Simon Crettol, Marion Duval, Bruno Faucher, Chiara Gallerani, Milena Keller. Et neuf ballerines de la Filière Danse Etudes Béthusy Lausanne (AFJD), direction Marjolaine Piguet: Maria Luisa Alvarez, Xenia Bailly, Namahi Koenig, Mei-Lin Liew, Elisa Magnenat, Erin Moore, Mia Pacurariu, Jade Piccard, Maeva Pillonnel. Musique: Sylvester, Michael Jackson, Donna Summer et d’autres… Lumières, scénographie et régie générale: Bruno Faucher. Administration et diffusion: Tutu Production – Pauline Coppée. Pièce originale créée en mai 2001 au Kampnagel Fabrik de Hambourg (D). Production: *MELK PROD. / Tanzplantation. Coproduction: CND – Centre National de la Danse Pantin, Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Comédie de Genève, Festival d’Automne, Pôle Sud – CDCN Strasbourg. Avec le soutien de Pro Helvetia et du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – DRAC Île-de-France.
Site web de l'artiste
Association pour la formation de jeunes danseurs (AFJD)
Who hasn’t dreamed of becoming the queen or the king for one night, of wearing the shiny costumes of musical theatre, even of dancing like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever? Marco Berrettini, choreographer and ex-German champion of disco dance, will wait no longer to realise this dream. Sorry, do the tour. Again! is a recreation of Sorry, do the tour! (2001), which staged 10 dancers and a roster of hit disco tracks from the 70s and 80s. In turn, the performers execute all sorts of figures to the glory of disco effigies, advertising icons, even bowling pins –becoming perfectly embodied, pure objects of consumption, inhabiting a space between an original dance contest and a handbook of self-deprecation. “Sorry, do the tour. Again! is a non-stop dance contest celebrating the last period of self-centeredness that was the 70s and 80s. At the end of the night, things will never be the same again.” Marco Berrettini.
The Relax performances offer a more adequate experience for persons with disabilities, or who wish to access the performances in more flexible conditions. In concrete terms, this means that the artists perform as usual, but some technical adjustments can be made if necessary (reduced special effects or lowered sound effects) and the audience welcome is much more flexible (house lights on, possibility to enter/leave and express oneself at will…)
* Music having a central place in this piece, the volume of this RELAX show will not be turned down.