- 75’
- F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
- A Little or no text
Böse Wicht, musique, mise en scène: Philippe Wicht. Avec: Julien Alembik, Chienne de Garde, Christophe Jaquet, Ernestyna Orlowska, Philippe Wicht. Mastering: Clive Jenkins. Fashion: Forbidden Denimeries par Mikael Vilchez. Création et régie vidéo: Lauren Huret. Création et régie lumière: Edouard Hugli. Régie son: Vil Zollinger. Ghost et logo: Malvin Suarez. Spiders et cover: Cetusss. Administration: Marion Houriet, Noa Zalts. Production: Böse Wicht Zone. Coproduction: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain. Soutiens: Loterie Romande, Canton de Vaud, Pour-cent culturel Migros, Fondation Leenards, Ville de Genève, Ville de Vevey, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS, Ernst Göhner Stiftung.
Site web artiste
The anticipation is finally over! The OPÉRA-ROCK by the spectral figure Böse Wicht—the evil double of the artist Philippe Wicht—is coming to Arsenic. As the big boss of an obscure firm, Böse Wicht invites us into his phantom zone in order to expunge the “business” of an era exclusively attached to former successes. Fear of failure, a reality ever more disembodied from its materiality, the pressure to be original… How can we reconcile morality and politics so that the idea of success is based upon true self-realisation? By transfiguring music video and fashion culture into a dark and mystical experience, Philippe Wicht celebrates the citizens of tomorrow, their bodies and their freedoms, through dance and song.