©Yolane Rais
©Yolane Rais
©Yolane Rais
©Yolane Rais

Natasza Gerlach

Hopecraft Ceremony

danse, performance

  • 1h
  • F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)
  • A Little or no text
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Concept, direction: Natasza Gerlach. Avec: Elie Autin, Natasza Gerlach, Rafał Pierzyński, Pierre Piton, Juliette Uzor. Scénographie: Ula Lucińska & Michał Knychaus (Inside Job). Costumes et maquillage: Chaïm Vischel. Création sonore: Natasza Gerlach, Thibault Villard. Création lumières: Jacqueline Sobiszewski. Direction technique: Thibault Villard. Remerciements: Jule Flierl.

Production: feelings’matter. Production exécutive: Mathias Ecoeur - Ars Longa. Coproduction: Arsenic - Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. Dans le cadre de la Bourse de compagnonnage théâtral de l’État de Vaud et de la Ville de Lausanne en partenariat avec La Ribot Ensemble. Avec les soutiens de: Loterie Romande, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS. Accueil en résidence: La Ménagerie de Verre Paris, Théâtre Sévelin 36, Nau Ivanow dans le cadre de la plateforme d’échange Crushing Borders.

Somewhere between science fiction and reality, Hopecraft Ceremony seeks to immerse the audience in a utopian laboratory where survival is but a fleeting state. In a suffocating landscape, the performers wander in search of new connection strategies.
Hopecraft Ceremony sees breathing as an act of sharing and explores its relational aspect as a condition for coexistence. In a hypnotic choreography, the performers oscillate between hope and abandonment, between breath of life and nostalgia. Each one lives in each other’s personal space. A relationship of interdependence collapses and renews itself constantly, creating a sensual reflection on vulnerability. Like a love poem in response to our time’s all encompassing mourning, Hopecraft Ceremony aspires to livable futures of solidarity.

Le spectacle contient des effets stroboscopiques