©Yann Becker

Julien Mages (CH)

J’irai demain couvrir ton ombre


  • 90’
  • G Hearing loops
  • E Partially-sighted spectators welcome

Texte et mise en scène: Julien Mages. Jeu: Catherine Demiguel, Juan Bilbeny, Raphael Defour. Lumière-Scéno-Vidéo: Yann Becker. Musique: Pierre Audétat, Catherine Demiguel. Costumes: Anna Van 
Brée. Assistanat et dramaturgie: Marek Chojecki. Soutien chorégraphique: Kaori Ito. Construction : l’Illustre atelier. Administration : Laurence Krieger-Gabor. Production : Cie Julien Mages. Coproduction : Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. Soutiens: Canton de Vaud, Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Fondation Leenaards, SSA, Fondation Ernst Göehner, Migros Pour-cent culturel, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS.

Two men. The first is a 48-year old philosophy professor. The second is an actor and cook, but also a 38-year old playwright. There is also a young woman, a theatre-goer, about whom we know nothing more. The two men love her differently. The older man loves the idea of being admired. While the younger one loves the woman with an irrational love… Julien Mages’ new piece depicts an ill-fated love triangle and its perverse power plays, in a satirical environment that apes the theatre world while weaving in between the lines the coarse disputes between ancient and modern.