La Substance, but in English
- 260’
- G Hearing loops
- A Little or no text
La Substance, but in English is a large-scale dance performance, an invitation to intellectual and visual wandering. On a post-psychedelic stage teeming with luxury branding, New Age paintings, fluorescent fluids and beer cans, ten dancers embody and produce a landscape where objects and humans are equal. For over four hours, the dancers travel down a sonic motorway of pop hits, moving sometimes lasciviously, sometimes ecstatically. From this tightly choreographed disarray emerges a double-edged feeling of shared excitement and loneliness, as if the artists and the spectators were being invited to come to terms together with a society that they consume and are consumed by. This hypnotic experience, unfurling itself over time, shunts the spectator between exhilaration and nausea.
Mårten Spångberg (born in 1968) is a choreographer whose interest concerns dance in an expanded field, something he has approached through experimental practice in a multiplicity of formats and expressions. He has been active on stage as a performer and creator since 1994, and since 1999 has been creating his own choreographies, from solos to larger scale works, which have toured internationally. His theoretic approach, close to that of the speculative realist movement, shakes up the genre with its riotous methods. His first book, Spangbergianism, was published in 2011. He lives and works in Brussels and Stockholm