©Louis Bonard
©Robert Roberg who no longer believes in the Apocalypse

Louis Bonard (CH)

L’Apocalypse – épisode 1: Le début de la fin


  • 60’
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Concept et jeu: Louis Bonard. Dramaturgie: Adina Secretan. Collaboration artistique: Claire Dessimoz. Lumière et scénographie: Florian Leduc. Assistant scénographie: Iommy Sanchez. Composition du générique: Nicholas Stücklin. Musiciens du générique: Maxime Van Heghe (trompette), Léopold Brunet (trombone). Costumes: Doria Gomez Rosay. Et les généreuses contributions de: Constant Bonard, Joëlle Fontannaz, Anne Le Troter, Sophie Nys. Production: Association Kairos. Coproduction: L’Arsenic - Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. L’Abri, Genève. SGG – Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Genève. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Canton de Vaud, Loterie Romande, Fondation Nestlé pour l’art, Fondation Michalski, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Pro Helvetia, Fondation Wilsdorf, Fondation Suisa. Accueil en résidence: Schloss Bröllin, dans le cadre de la plateforme d’échange Crushing Borders. Remerciements: Thibaud Croisy, Line Dépraz, Marion Duval, Aurélien Patouillard, Anouk Werro.

The apocalyptic genre has been in existence for more than 2000 years, with the production of texts and theories intensifying in times of “crisis”. Louis Bonard sees the crisis not as a series of catastrophes to be endured, but as an opportunity to manifest our hopes, to affirm what we value. He sees apocalyptic narratives as an injunction to step back, to clear the slate of our knowledge, to imagine the end of the world in order to create a space conducive to the exercise of thinking about the future. Inspired by the Book of Revelation, and its resolutely sci-fi quality, this first creation unfolds in 4 episodes that propose to explore our relationship to the world and its demise, and to our individual and collective demise, but above all to avoid fatalism at all costs. Episode 2 will be presented in June 2022 at the Arsenic.