© Carole Parodi
© Carole Parodi
© Carole Parodi

Marco Berrettini (IT/CH)

My Epifunny

Danse, Musique

  • 60'
  • F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
  • G Hearing loops
  • A Little or no text
  • B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility

Chorégraphie: Marco Berrettini. Composition et arrangements musicaux: Antoine Françoise - en collaboration avec Melk Prod. Avec: Nathalie Broizat, Bryan Campbell, Sébastien Chatellier, Antoine Francoise, Chiara Gallerani et Antonella Sampieri. Scénographie et lumières: Bruno Faucher. Costumes et accessoires: *Melk prod. Direction technique: Nicolas Barrot. Régie Son: Felix Perdreau. Production et diffusion: Pauline Coppée - Tutu production (CH). Coproductions: Arsenic - Lausanne , Comédie de Genève, Théâtre national de Chaillot Paris, Charleroi Danse / Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie - Bruxelles. Soutiens: Fondation Nicati de Luze.

A sung, danced and musical piece for all the anxious, suffering, hapless and confused people. A work for the whole planet. My Epifunny is the story of 7 characters who find themselves, seemingly for no apparent reason, in the same space : fate. They share a common desire to change the world. But are they aware that this requires sacrifices? And how will they deal with their fears? It would take an epiphany – that strange phenomenon that manifests out of nowhere, often bringing about a change of direction in the life of those who have experienced it. Can Greta Thunberg, Jane Fonda, Ron L. Hubbard or Hyung Jin Moon, icons of the modern world, new messiahs shrouded in epiphanies, embody reliable models? Perhaps only the earthly experience of dancing and singing can resolve this divine question?