©Nicole Seiler




  • 90’
  • C Young audience welcome (8+)

Conception: Nicole Seiler. Texte et voix : Séverine Skierki. Conception sonore et musique: Stéphane Vecchione. Collaboration historique: Anne-Gaëlle Neipp. Interventions historiques: Jean-Pierre Pastori, Ariane Devanthéry, Olivier Robert. Administration : Laurence Rochat. Diffusion: Michaël Monney.

Palimpsest explores the poetic potential of audio-description language. Gathered within a smartphone application, a series of geo-localised sound pieces invite the audience on a stroll. The audience members become the authors of the movement, as if projected in spite of them onto the stage of an ephemeral theatre. The performers are absent. Subtly evoked through the hyper-realistic narration, they emerge here and there in the imagination, like ghosts haunting the surrounding landscape. The apparatus and the writing favour proximity and intimacy with the listener-wanderer, and are used to bring to life figures that are physically absent.