- 60'
- F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
- G Hearing loops
- A Little or no text
De et avec: Jeremy Nedd. Dramaturgie: César Vayssié. Collaboration artistique: Maximilian Hanisch. Présenté et produit à: HKB / Hoch Schule der Künste Bern. Accueil en résidence: CN D / Centre national de la danse (Pantin)
Site web artiste
Site web artiste
An American dancer who arrived in Basel as a ballet performer, Jeremy Nedd has devoted the start of his career as a choreographer to knocking down the walls within contemporary dance, by considering the creative work of today in a peripheral manner. In Re(mains), he explores the performativity of the hyper-testosteroned postures present in hip hop imagery, stripped of sounds or lyrics. In a space free from gender stereotypes, he decontextualizes the bodily vocabulary usually utilised for conveying identity-based, intimate or militant forms of speech. His piece is a subjective and poetic reappropriation of this type of masculinity, sitting between power, gentleness and vulnerability, where ego trips are replaced with dereliction.