Julie Monot (CH)
Room for Doubts
performance, installation / exposition
- 3h - possibilité d'entrer et sortir
- C Young audience welcome (8+)
- A Little or no text
- B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility
Coproductions: Arsenic, Lausanne, Halle Nord, Genève. Soutiens: Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève (FMAC), Ville de Lausanne, Pro Helvetia.
Room for Doubts is a project that revolves around a reflection on the interplay and common territories between the visual and performing arts. First presented at the Halle Nord in Geneva, Julie Monot proposes to reformulate and expand this exhibition in a so-called stage context in order to experiment with its potential. To this end, the two performances will be tinged with a certain musicality, thanks to the presence of two sound artists.
From sculpture to theatrical props, from body to scenery or from the intimate to the public, the works devised for the occasion constitute an ecosystem in effervescence, both hybrid and ambiguous. This exhibition-performance is conceived as a populated and moving space where transformation generates a narrative dimension and a fictional game whose script escapes us. When the body is present, it “realizes” the work, performs its multiple possibilities and places its potential for metamorphosis under tension.
In this reverie featuring ghostly and surreal figures, curtains, floating islands and domestic furniture cohabit and leave room for doubts and critical uncertainty. Room for Doubts restores mystery’s power to raise questions about the nature of objects and their hypothetical functions.