Léa Katharina Meier
Tous les sexes tombent du ciel
performance, théâtre
- 1h20 environ - FR with EN subtitles
- G Hearing loops
- E Partially-sighted spectators welcome
- B Accessible to persons with reduced mobility
Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Direction de la culture de la Ville de Vevey, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fondation Nestlé pour l’art, Canton de Vaud, Fondation MLH, PREMIO - Prix d’encouragement pour les arts de la scène, Pro Helvetia, Corodis.
In her filthy, pink and silky house, a character dances, performs magic tricks and sings a desolate song while the voyeuristic gaze of the audience invites itself into the intimacy, behind closed-doors.
By putting herself in these foolish and awkward situations, Léa Katharina Meier uses a clownish prism to adopt a type of laughter and humor that runs counter to the heteronormative gaze. She cultivates ambivalence and crossovers between monstrosity, abjectness and the cutest of things.
Pathetic and tender, this little being’s stubbornness in their search of joy and a touch of the marvelous contaminates with their dignified vulnerability and empowering naiveté.
How does shame create a context for exhilarating experiences? In this childlike and cruel universe, this tale of dirtiness, with its ogresses and giantesses, invites us to live in dirty houses, laugh at the absurd and look upon the papier-mâché scenery of damaged hearts.