- 2h30
- F Hearing-impaired spectators welcome
- A Little or no text
Conception et interprétation: Claire Dessimoz. Co-création et interprétation: Éléonore Heiniger. Avec la contribution artistique de Dragos Tara, Florian Leduc, Christian Garcia-Gaucher, Simon Crettol, Sandrine Thomas. Photo, vidéo: Nadia Tarra, Maëlle Gross. Administration: Marianne Caplan, Silvia Guerreiro. Coproduction: Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. Soutiens: Ville de Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS. Remerciements: Alex Landa Aguirretche, Sophie Ballmer, Marius Barthaux, Diane Blondeau, Louis Bonard, Marie-Danielle Brunet, Aurore Buffat, Laure Anne Cossu, Marcin De Morsier, Immanuel De Souza, Raphaël Despland, Agathe Hazard Raboud, Fhunyue Gao, Gwenaël Grossfeld, Yuta Ishikawa, Charlotte Nagel, Aurélien Patouillard, Bruno Robyr, David Weishaar, Myriam Ziehli.
TRAVERSER TOUT ENTIER unfurls durationally in a continuous flow, like a choreographic study of the evocative potential of the body, or what can be transmitted specifically by movement and action, rather than any other language. A hypnotic duo induced by the almost-continuous circular movement of the performers, in phase with the various and omnipresent strands of music, from which emerge independent, short and eloquent tableaux that bring us back to the present moment and that strange act of being able to communicate in a non-verbal way.